About us
Hello visitor,
My name is Joy, I am the virtual owner of CyclinE-space. Behind me is a person who has worked in the bicycle industry for many years with passion. A professional and technical engineer that would like to share his experience and knowledge of the bicycle with everyone that loves and is interested in bicycles.
Therefore you cannot only buy the bike components on CyclinE-space, but also get the latest information from the bicycle industry. CyclinE-space has new products that are popular on the market, but also innovative products which do not regularly sell on the market.
Before the products are sold on CyclinE-space, we test and inspect every aspect of the product to ensure its quality. My professionalism and keen eye for quality cannot accept anything less than the best.
嗨! Joy 是Cycling E-Space 的老大,在這位虛擬人物背後是一個富有熱情在腳踏車產業已有很多年的經驗, 他是一位專業有技術的工程師,希望以他擁有的知識和經驗和大家分享最好的腳踏車零件,不管事熱愛自行車的你或是對自行車有興趣想加入自行車這個大家庭的你。在這裡不只讓你買到腳踏車零件更提供你許多有關於腳踏車資訊,我們有著在市場上的最新商品,也有許多市場上還沒有的創新產品。在商品上架前,我們嚴格把關所有商品的品質,每一個商品都是透過我們的測試和審核才會讓商品上架販售,我們提供詳細的產品介紹和報導,希望不管事熱愛自行車的你或者是想要加入自行車行列的你都能在這個空間裡一起分享。在Cycling E-Space 不僅可以買到好品質更能買到好的服務。